large rusted metal locomotive poking its way through my viscous flesh, it gives the tenses, gives and tenses. bulbous black ideas covering me like a sheet, until that is all there is and ending is an option now useful for me. one single second one single millionth of a millimeter.--------
feeling shell of my skin inside all ricocheting buzzing particles check my fingers while I wait for the movie to release me I am looking at the silhouette of my damaged finger I think I have two nails growing over top of one another
garbage face smell, smell of washing dishes gols anarchy slopping wet food gotta getit Clean wanna belong live in fillmgive me more for a me something dinner i ahve not eten all my change for a cigarret america Rive smells like tadpools my childhood of tadpools why does it always smell like pankakes when i go around a corner?