Pain shoots through my wounded back.
To much vitamin D, has altered my time senses.
Up on the hill the sand is light gray with small lines, hot.
Larry is over there behind the car door, injecting something into his penis, he thinks I cannot see him.
Hole in the hill and in the ground
I am caving in on myself.
Very stiff

Rain on my itchy arms, my finger have swollen with clear bubbles.
Got to gray spots on my back I love her I can love her.
Finding the faulted sky interesting each this way turning that and unrolling themselves in between.
The lowering clouds of change all the colors stand behind me.

June 2008
body asleep but i am awake
breath loud, maybe someone will hear
try to roll on my side
someone calls my name
back to world again

June 2008

green curtain as seen in meditation #5

Formika form toes, gotta get teeth to stop grinding, pure curtain of green stands in the way rotten veggies flying out of my chest and extremities, I hold on to them then let then go but I remained stained by there rottenness. Pure green curtain is that all there is, behind the eyes is just suffering existence comes out of the green suffering black specks covering it all flying at me can even see it sometimes. Detached look in and out of my own eyes, at the play land world, I seem to know all intentions I know all reasons for living then am all so blind, but I see the depression behind the mask of being, what are my intentions what do I look like to. All a swirl of oil.

June 2008


STOP stretching due last elite in
STOP halls dump in
STOP hooker company a
STOP dehiscing of a m the hooker a hooker canal in due dehiscing envision elite power nun to winter and delivering
STOP ideal m trade
STOP dehiscing toxic
STOP madras canal envision parturient elite never elite several
STOP the never never of a delivering hooker canal industries finding stretching power of elite hooker envision toxic from hooker
STOP madras hooker during the swam id
STOP the
STOP  halls finding
STOP the sled and canal
STOP m broken fused bought never
STOP plan plan several caustic hooker
STOP nun envision a stretching a
STOP elite delivering decades et winter restricted river swam a of never parturient industries site toxic hooker several
STOP of delivering swam
STOP canal swam m broken finding broken from finding elite several nun t during nun restricted several decades decades
STOP a sled ideal pentiums
STOP the delivering stretching t elite winter due during pentiums finding during to site
STOP elite and in several et winter boy
STOP several dehiscing restricted elite 1890s
STOP elite finding of never ever
STOP restricted several company power decades toxic the delivering
STOP the m delivering restricted dehiscing a dehiscing and plan boy envision decades madras envision delivering envision winter boy and a m power last decades in sled denim et
STOP stretching site power hooker outright the the
STOP never dehiscing parturient power from dehiscing site m valet the premium delivering
STOP in from hooker plan of
STOP decades elite elite from of plan delivering id transmission elite trade toxic sled t halls
STOP river of canal the in never envision treatment delivering 1890s from several
STOP STOP valet treatment in envision of of canal of last industries fused halls toxic et in
STOP due plan
STOP canal m winter
STOP 1890s several
STOP boy industries m finding nun valet due et
STOP of due hooker in
STOP broken plan due dehiscing et stretching several the
STOP elite of
STOP due transmission halls and company ideal swam ideal dump several the purposes toxic dehiscing in madras madras seeded halls restricted

I am not

I am not reflecting light
I am not already present in the light.
I am not language
I am not response to tangible and realistic dangers.
I am not something questionable or unknown.
I am not negative self-talk
I am not being threatened by a rival.
I am not the nature of knowledge
I am not any system of molecules in a mixture of gasses
I am not something that will prove to be useful or successful in some sense
I am not determined in principle solely by how I relate to objective reality, or by whether I accurately describes that reality.
I am not a point moving in space-time
I am not the world, universe, all physical objects, or abstract objects.
I am not being-in-itself or being-for-itself
I am not a philosophical zombie
I am not an exhaustive combination of multiple colors of pigment
I am not a reductive or non-reductive physicalist position
I am not described by an underlying theory.
I am not consciousness or unconsciousness
I am not an animal
I am not something that is entitative
I am not all that exists
I am not able to breath or think or eat
I am not a feral child
I am not afraid of losing
I am not android who lacks human emotions
I am not worthless
I am not famous (or infamous)
I am not omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence, omnibenevolence (perfect goodness), divine simplicity, jealous, or eternal and necessary existence.
I am not pure awareness
I am not a tracks already available on the long playing album
I am not a a hypothetical massive scalar elementary particle predicted to exist by the Standard Model of particle physics.
I am not entirely in isolation from any effect that might touch my behavior and behavioral disposition.
I am not my behavior
I am not defined as qualities or sensations
I am not unhappy with my life
I am not the lack or absence of something, rather than of anything
I am not able to impress anyone
I am not an infinite variety of universes
I am not anarchist symbolism,
I am not basic emotions or other mental states
I am not happy with my life
I am not a biological organism
I am not different things
I am not the true Dharma eye, the marvelous mind of Nirvana, the true form of the formless, or the subtle dharma gate that does not rest on words or letters.
I am not of indeterminate value and definition
I am not composed of an independently existing fliud substance
I am not a blue sky
I am not my fear
I am not persisting through time
I am not mechanistic
I am not vegetarian
I am not the seat of intelligence
I am not a being with the neurological prerequisites to understand moral consequences and take his life morally seriously
I am not potentially threatening
I am not a mirror-reflected copy
I am not subject to dispute and re-interpretation based on alternate definitions
I am not composed of atoms and electrons
I am not an immoralist
I am not to be taken seriously as a component of my experience
I am not an eleven-dimensional not consistent supergravity reduction line
I am not outside of any psychological states
I am not sugar, foam, pure sand or snow, cotton, clouds, or milk
I am not recasting knowledge
I am not difficult or impossible to convey
I am not
Pollock began painting with his canvases seeing viscous flows of paint. If I am in the space through which IT moves, the painting comes out of mathematical chaos. Forging beyond the changing art-world trends Pollock commented: "look”.

March 2008
This is a cut-up from a bunch of Wikipedia articles, i think it was pollock, chaos theory and critical-theory-something-or-other.
square head in striped gray shirt my stomach hurts i think i had to much coffee my head is kinda fat right now and i need to wash my hands they feel sticky and dry from sitting in this room to long slightly feeling that things are not alright what does that mean? switched between states of mind what switches what changes is there a switch or did i make that up?

3 more short ones from May 2008

low blood sugar
smushing thoughts roll
through the Broken
Baskets Rolloling
tongue of feeling is my body

Autan star scapes
warm tongue of
thought is bonding with
my spine. All red
and bumpy like


Personality station in
black sunglasses and a new hip bag
golf ball surrounded by
nails in my left temple
left on Akien
do not enter and
on my way to but greens
now where am i


Hungry for something other
than coffee
I want the green lite
and can't stomach
any more of that
vinegar shit i need
some banana/strawberry juice

3 short ones from May 2008

large rusted metal locomotive poking its way through my viscous flesh, it gives the tenses, gives and tenses. bulbous black ideas covering me like a sheet, until that is all there is and ending is an option now useful for me. one single second one single millionth of a millimeter.
feeling shell of my skin inside all ricocheting buzzing particles check my fingers while I wait for the movie to release me I am looking at the silhouette of my damaged finger I think I have two nails growing over top of one another
garbage face smell, smell of washing dishes gols anarchy slopping wet food gotta getit Clean wanna belong live in fillmgive me more for a me something dinner i ahve not eten all my change for a cigarret america Rive smells like tadpools my childhood of tadpools why does it always smell like pankakes when i go around a corner?

hollow shell
can't understand what i am feeling
can't see things correctly any more
lips are numb and buzzing
i feel dizzy
i wanna sleep
i wanna sleep
i can't tell what i am feeling
it is all jumbled
all this hopelessness in the world
a flower blooms

April 2008

My April 18th

Magnolia pink blooms in the hazy smog sky but there is blue above.
sulfur lakes with geese and water birds tall dead grass, spiny bushes
Iron oxide red sprayed off the white paper
hidden aesthetic mountainousness splashes
dream of quartz pebbles in rain
hardness in damp smells
black dirt

April 2008
Elm trees
decaying log
smell of forest decay
not decay
smell of the forest changing
I dig into the forest floor to smell the change

March 2008


I seem to big, size wise, for the world
The hotness of the room is dry and cozy to me in my sweater
The balconies form into jaws that gape at me
Must not go there
I seem to have some kind of sandpaper under my skin
It is wrong but what is it
Things used to be better then
Must not go there
If only things were different
I remember when things were better
Must not go there

March 2008
scrape. grind dirt into my hair. hairs sticking out of dirty arms. rough textured knuckles. skinning slide across the lichen sandstone. crown dirt mingling in mind towards fungal advance. running crumbling in towards the edge of the hemlock wet with dew smell of dried stone and wet earth tumbling down the scraped sides. moss covered arms. eyes looking out of cobbles cracked around the edges by rain and wind.

March 2008


Buzzing fingers,
It starts with a quickening of the heart
Then the skin starts to crawl,
There is a sudden deep understanding of the phrase “jump out of your skin”
I feel like there is something wrong with something
But I cannot put my finger on it,
It is just behind my eyes,
On the tip of my tongue.
I gotta get out.
My ears are ringing.
There is nowhere to run, but every cell want to run
Breathe and ride it out.
Its gonna be like this forever
Its gonna be like this forever
Its gonna be like this forever, NO!
Everything is always gonna go wrong, NO!.
Now I am get’n dizzy.
My head is swimming.
The traffic lights start to burn.
Why does everyone have there high beams on?
The music it not hitting me anymore, it seems to distance
I can’t quite tell how it is different, but it is.
I am losing it,
No just stay on track this happens all the time,
It is always the same you always survive, but what if it never stops,
How can I ever be happy, everything is wrong, NO.
My ears are starting to ring again.
Just breathe, okay okay okay, no its not that bad,
These are all just thoughts, all just little harmless boxes,
Breathe… … … ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
It’s not so bad now.
But, fuckers still have there high beams on.

March 2008

Anxiety Poem

I filter the good things out into the air, the bad things end up eating the beauty in my life into disgust, the habitual human machinations eat there way thought the inner linings of my cloths wearing away the new fresh skin of my inner thigh. I can hold no love for the small things. Is life the thing that are struggling against to live? I cannot feel for the dying bird in the sidewalk, if anyone ever found out they would shoot me they would laugh they would kill the bird on me.

Rising out the air with highest stamina dark naggy vines invade my  precious mind. Color is sucked form my eyes and my skin takes on the rough texture of wet concrete. I can’t seem to get anything straight in my vision it is there but it is not, I can’t seem to really see things anymore. At one point I could see things and they seemed bright and fun, but now I am dead to that view point. Washing around in my head supposed goodness evaded all my grasping thoughts. Grabbing for it always makes them fly farther away from me.

You are wrong, this is going to fuck up your mind everything is going to go wrong, you need a job, you need a girlfriend then everything will be all right, you need your own place, oh you got a job? Well it is wrong! You can’t do anything else. My car is fucked up, I don’t have enough energy to do anything, I am such a waste of life because I cannot do anything. I can’t think straight anymore, I can’t do it.

March 2008